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1064 N Royal St, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

Updated Listing At in Northern VA 22314 :: $850,000

Acquiring real estate like 1064 N Royal St is plausibly the single biggest money decision an individual will make in their life. Further, as a trusted local Realtor, Nesbitt Realty is a home buyer's advocate who knows the informational and emotional support that home buyers need when finding and buying a $825,000 home in 22314 in Alexandria. Besides, there are always problems in Alexandria real estate.  Above all, a supportive real estate pro like Nesbitt is able to help you to manage or avoid many of the dangers  associated with buying a place in 22314 in Alexandria. Continue reading
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1072 N Royal St, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

Are You Seeking A 2 Bedroom Real Property For About $800,000?

Looking For 1,137 Sqft In Alexandria?

Monika Ortiz tells us that 1072 N Royal St, Alexandria VA is an enchanting modest opportunity at $795,000. As a matter of fact, consider that the average living area of interior unit townhouses in Watergate of Alexandria is 1,137. Continue reading
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1025 N Pitt St, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Looking at Residences At Watergate of Alexandria? Consider This Interior Unit Townhouse.

There are identify details that weigh in a buyer client's mind, but perhaps none more important than price. You can buy 1025 N Pitt St Alexandria VA 22314 for around $800,000. This home has 1,321 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty tells us at a price of $780,000, 1025 N Pitt St, Alexandria VA is interesting to look at. Continue reading
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1000 N Royal St, Alexandria VA 22314 On The Market

How Much Is A Mid-Sized 3-Bedroom Residence In 22314 in the City of Alexandria?

1000 N Royal St is an interesting interior unit townhouse with a lot of potential. But it's not important to Julie Nesbitt that you buy this interior unit townhouse, or any particular $930,000 interior unit townhouse in Alexandria. It's more important to Julie Nesbitt that you do what's dream for you. There are so many questions to ask yourself.

To get what you want, you need to know what you want For example.

Is a view important to you? Do you want a waterview or waterfront place of residence? Is a view important to you? Do you want a waterview or waterfront property? The highest priced interior unit townhouse in the area is listed for $930,000. Do you know if 1000 N Royal St is a good value? Continue reading
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1043 N Pitt St, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

A Few Facts About Residences Advertised For Sale In The City of Alexandria

Buying a dwelling like 1043 N Pitt St is possibly the largest capital investment most Americans will ever make. What is more, as a trusted real estate pro, Nesbitt Realty will be a strong adviser who recognizes the instructive support and emotional reliability that buyers need when searching for and buying a property. Of course, there are many risks to avoid and overcome. However, a real estate professional similar to Nesbitt Realty has the answers and can help reduce your work from the buying process. Continue reading
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Nesbitt Realty Can Sell Your Residences At Watergate Of Alexandria

How much will real estate at Watergate of Alexandria sell for?

What's your home in the Alexandria Area at Watergate of Alexandria worth? Nesbitt Realty can help you find the market value of your residence in 22314 for free. When the time comes to sell your property in the City of Alexandria at Watergate of Alexandria, it's recommended to learn more about what properties have sold at Watergate of Alexandria. That can give a home seller a starting point for determining your $749,000 interior unit townhouse's value. Below, we're going to check out specific homes selling and properties that have recently sold.

Did you know that in in the City of Alexandria at Watergate of Alexandria:

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