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712 N Columbus St, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

What Can I Invest in In 22314 For $750,000?

It’s a good idea to learn all you can about interior unit townhouses in the Alexandria area if you’re looking at purchasing a home like 712 N Columbus St.

Real Estate Facts About The Alexandria Area

  • The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 48 years. 712 N Columbus St is 83 years old.
  • The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $535 . But, 712 N Columbus St is $531 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 41 days.
  • The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,864 sqft. However, 712 N Columbus St has 1,384 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
2603 Redcoat Dr #1 A 259 is the least expensive home in the Alexandria area. 2603 Redcoat Dr #1 A 259 is listed for $155,000. But, 210 Duke St is the highest-priced home in the Alexandria area. 210 Duke St is asking $4,985,000. On the other hand, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Still, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 06/09/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the Alexandria area or for about information about properties such as 712 N Columbus St. Continue reading
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520 N Payne St, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed For Sale

Home at Parker Gray

All buyers have a list of hopes, desires and needs, but everything on that list is bounded by the price the buyer can (or wants to) pay for a new duplex. For an asking price of $869,000, you can call this duplex in this area yours. Julie Nesbitt tells us that --- depending upon your pre-approved price limit --- you may want to think about 520 N Payne St, Alexandria VA which is available for $869,000. Continue reading
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Shopping A Choice Property In The City Of Alexandria In The City Of Alexandria

Of course, you can find a choice property in the City of Alexandria in Northern VA. But there are only a limited number of choice properties in 22314 in the City of Alexandria. Perhaps one of them is the perfect interior unit townhouse for you. If it's not 625 N Alfred St, then it might be one of the properties listed below. As a property hunter you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying an interior unit townhouse in the City of Alexandria.  Ask Julie Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. She can help. Continue reading
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Hidden Benefits About Parker Gray

Photo of 603 N Alfred St Parker Gray real estate is best with as few surprises as possible. Parker Gray is a community of homes in the City of Alexandria and Alexandria. Homes in Parker Gray are frequently masonry art deco. Let's see how 603 N Alfred St contrasts against what else is available in 22314 or Parker Gray. Continue reading
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603 N Alfred St, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

How Much Do Listings Cost At Parker Gray in 22314?

Are you out of your mind for spending $1,699,000 for a 4-bedroom property like 603 N Alfred St in Alexandria, Virginia? In addition, you could buy a property that needs repairs which you simply can't afford. Conversely, Julie Nesbitt can help you to buy a home warranty to reduce the risk you'll be facing. In fact, there are other problems which can be challenging to overcome.  But even so, a real estate professional like Julie can manage and overcome problems  associated with buying a home in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading
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622 N Columbus St, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

Basic Data Regarding in The City of Alexandria Virginia 22314 :: $719,900

So, is 622 N Columbus St the best place of residence for you? It could be. But, you have to ask yourself these questions. Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Are you trying to find a $719,900 interior unit townhouse in 22314? Can you afford $719,900? Is it actually worth $755,895 or $683,905? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $4,298 on this purchase of real estate? As a matter of fact, purchasing a place of residence in the Alexandria area and staying on several years allows you and your family time to build long-lasting relationships within the the City of Alexandria community. Continue reading
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601 N Alfred St, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

How Much Do Properties Cost At Parker Gray in 22314 in Alexandria?

So, is 601 N Alfred St the best dwelling for you? It could be. But, you have to ask yourself these questions. Do you need 4 full baths and 1 half baths? Are you seeking a 4-bedroom Art Deco-style residence in 22314 in the City of Alexandria? Can you afford $1,799,000? Is it actually worth $1,888,950 or $1,709,050? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $11,118 on this purchase of real estate? Reach out to Stuart Nesbitt to learn more from a well-informed guru on Alexandria, Virginia real estate. Continue reading

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