The Board of Lady Managers is known for its annual Fashion Show, Luncheon, and Silent Auction. This year they held a “non-event,” raising $30,000 as part of an ongoing financial pledge to Inova Alexandria Hospital. The idea for this event was conceived to continue the mission of the organization to provide critical support to Inova Alexandria Hospital.
According to the Alexandria Gazette Packet, "Formal invitations for the event were sent out, reading, “This Fundraiser is a Non-Event on a Non-Day at a Non-Time. Cocktails are not served at 11 a.m., lunch is not served at noon, and speeches are not given at 1 p.m. You don’t have to dress up, get your hair done, or fight for a parking spot.” Instead, guests were invited to join in the spirit of supporting the fundraising drive for the hospital." As per Alexandria Gazette Packet, "Sponsors for the event included Jack Taylor’s Alexandria Toyota, Koons Ford, Kiwanis Club of Alexandria, Van Dorn Diner, Alexandria Tax and Bookkeeping, Laporta Restaurant, McEnearney Associates Realtors and J&J Oriental Rug Gallery. Proceeds from the event will go towards an internship program for hospital clergy and an O-arm intraoperative imaging system used in spine, orthopedic, and neurologic procedures."